
Action at Marye’s Heights, Outside Fredericksburg December 13, 1863 – Kimball’s Brigade in the Battle of Fredericksburg December 13, 1862 Drawn on the Battlefield by J. G. Keyser1. Rebels Batteries 2. Stonewalls 3. Barn & Blacksmith Shops 4. Haystacks 5. Fine Rebel house on the Hill 6. Fine Brickhouse in the Hill 7. Hospital 8. Throwaway Blankets 9. Canals Wounded Soldiers 10. 24 Reg. N. J. Vol. 11. 28 Reg. N.J. Vol. 12. Skirmishes 13. Reinforcements 14. Street to Fredericksburg – The front of the nineteenth sketch in the collection.

Tags: Kimball’s Brigade,Soldiers,Civil War,Fredericksburg,Marye’s Heights,Battlefield
Cumberland County Historical Society

Finding Aid for John G. Keyser’s Civil War Sketches Collection
Date Ranges: 1862-1863
Bulk Dates: 1863

Finding Aid created by Brittney Ingersoll, 2017

Summary Information:

Creator: Cumberland County Historical Society

The collection consists of sketches and paintings created by John G. Keyser dated September 1862 to December 1863 and two sketchbooks, one dated November 1862 and the other from March 1863. Individual sketches comprise of fifty-seven physical pages of sketches, five physical pages of paintings. The physical collection is comprised of 6 boxes. Five of the six boxes contain Keyser’s sketches and original artwork. The sixth box contains miscellaneous documents that the society has accumulated over the years about Keyser and his sketches. The collection is both a physical and a digital collection.

Digitized, the collection comprises of ninety-five digital files. There are sixty-three files of the individual sketches scanned. Because of the size of some of the sketches, they were scanned in pieces. Sketchpad 1 consists of 13 files and sketchpad two has nineteen files. The backs of the sketches were also scanned.

Extent: 9 Linear Feet 7 Inches (6 Boxes)

Call Number: John G. Keyser Collection

Language: English

Access and Use:

The collection is available for research. Because of the fragility of the sketches the digital files have been printed. Either the digital collection or the copies can be viewed for research. Only under certain circumstances can the researcher have access to the original sketches. The sketches are also available for usage for institutions. Institutions must ask permission and give appropriate citation and credit to the Cumberland County Historical Society.

Background Information:

John G. Keyser was born in Germany in Oberstenfeld between Marbach and Wȕrttemburg on May 13, 1827. He arrived in Philadelphia when he was 19 years old on January 2nd, 1847 from London. He remained in Philadelphia until 1856 when he moved to Bridgeton, New Jersey. Keyser was always known for being a painter, yet in an 1860 census Keyser’s occupation was listed as a “tailor” and he was residing at a hotel. The 1860 census conflicts with a 1879-1880 advertisement for Keyser’s paint shop that stated, “Established – 1858.”

[1] On September 2nd, 1862 Keyser enrolled in the army, joining the Twenty-Fourth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers Company H.

[2]The sketches within this collection were created by John G. Keyser between September 1862 to July 1863, while he served as a private for the Twenty-Fourth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers Company H during the Civil War. The New Jersey Twenty-Fourth Regiment served nine months. Keyser volunteered and served from September 2, 1862 – June 19, 1863. His company was involved in both the Battle of Fredericksburg in December 1862 and the Battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863. Company H travelled from New Jersey to Baltimore, Washington then to its final destination of Virginia, where they spent majority of their time. Keyser captured the travels, the camps, battles, and men, immortalizing them in his sketches.

[3]Once Keyser was out of the service, he returned to Bridgeton, New Jersey. He continued working as a painter. He sold sketches he had done while in Europe of battle scenes of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, along with sketches of the different camps of the 24th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers Company H from Beverly, NJ to Virginia. In 1891 Keyser applied for his passport to return to Germany. Although he planned on staying only a year before returning to the United States, Keyser fell ill in Germany and died there on February 11, 1902. His death was announced in the Bridgeton Evening News on March 5, 1902.[4]

Scope and Content and Arrangement:

The overall collection consists of sketches, and paintings of battle scenes, encampments, prisons, and soldiers that John G. Keyser saw and experienced during his service in the Civil War. The exact date of the acquisition of the collection is unknown, but is believed to have been in the Society’s possession for almost as long as the Society’s existence. The original order of the collection was altered, the individual sketches have been arranged to fit the historical timeline of the travels, camps, and battles of the Twenty-Fourth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers Company H. The sketchbooks are still in the original order have not been altered. There were some discrepancies of the dates that were marked on the sketch with the image. For example, sketch #4 is a scene of Baltimore and is dated for December 3, 1862, Keyser and the regiment had left Maryland and were already in Virginia by December 3, 1862. Instead of following the date, the sketch is in the order of the image.

Drawings and paintings whose dates remain unknown have been placed at the end of the collection or with similar sketches as appropriate. For example, sketch #18 is of Fredericksburg with no date and was put in the order with the battle of Fredericksburg sketches. Another example is painting #10 that has no date, but because there are only three paintings, it was placed in the order with the other paintings.

[1] W. Andrew Boyd, Boyd’s Cumberland County Directory, For 1879-1880 a Complete Directory of the Cities of Bridgeton, Millville & Vineland, Together with a Complete Business Directory of the Whole County, Giving the Names of all Professions, Trades and Occupations, and a Very Large List of Farmers and Fruit Growers, With an Appendix of The Cities, (Wilmington: James & Webb, 1879), p. 64.

[2] Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-1865 Vol. I, (Trenton: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876), p. 799, 812-814; New Jersey Census Record 1860; John G. Keyser, “Form for Naturalized Citizen,” (October 9, 1891), Passport Application, Received from the National Archives and Records Administration.

[3] James J. Reeves, History of the Twenty-Fourth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer, (Camden: S. Chew, Printer, Front and Market Streets, 1889).; Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-1865 Vol. I, (Trenton: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876), p. 799, 812-814

[4]W. Andrew Boyd, Boyd’s Cumberland County Directory, For 1881-1882 a Complete Directory of the Cities of Bridgeton, Millville & Vineland, Together with a Complete Business Directory of the Whole County, Giving the Names of all Professions, Trades and Occupations, and a Very Large List of Farmers and Fruit Growers, With an Appendix of The Cities, (Boyd Bros., 1881), p. 53; Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-1865 Vol. I, (Trenton: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876), p. 799, 812-814; “He Loved His Adopted Country, Reminiscences of John G. Keyser, Our Former Citizen. Artist, Soldier and Patriot.”, Bridgeton Evening News, March 5 ,1902 (Bridgeton, 1902). ; George Nixon ed., “Keyser’s Campaign Sketches of the 24th Regiment N.J. Volunteers” in The Bridgeton Chronicle, (Bridgeton: March 28, 1868).

Subject Terms:

  • John G. Keyser
  • Twenty- Fourth New Jersey Volunteer Regiment
  • Civil War
  • Fredericksburg
  • Chancellorsville

Related Materials:

Researchers who are interested in the John G. Keyser Collection may also be interested in the collections and items within the archives that are listed below:

  • War Files – Civil War Files
  • Charles F. Dare Collection – Comprising of over 50 books on the Civil War
  • James J. Reeves, History of the Twenty-Fourth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer, (Camden: S. Chew, Printer, Front and Market Streets, 1889).
  • Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-1865 Vol. & Vol. II, (Trenton: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876).

Digitized Content List:

File #’s Description/Title File Type Scanned Resolution Original Item Location
1 Camp Cadwallader, Beverly NJ September 1862 & June 1863 TIFF 600dpi 1
2 Joe Mulford – Funeral October 1, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 2
3 Refreshment Saloon Philadelphia October 5, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 3
4 Baltimore December 3, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 7
5 Capitol Hill October 1862 TIFF 600dpi 4
6 Potomac Chain Bridge – Open TIFF 600dpi 8
7 Potomac October 15, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 9
8 Fort Marcy (Painting) October 1862 TIFF 600dpi 23
9 Fort Marcy (Painting) October 1862 TIFF 600dpi 24
10 Soldiers – (Painting) TIFF 600dpi 12
11 Ft. Marcy – Camp Kearney TIFF 600dpi 10
12 Ft. Marcy Chain Bridge October 19, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 11
13 Ft. Marcy, Chain Bridge October 20, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 19
14 Camp Cumberland November 1862 TIFF 600dpi 15
15 Camp Cumberland November 23, 1862 24 Reg. N.J. Vol Camp Cumberland Near Hall’s Hill VA 24 N.J.V. Sunday November 23, 1862 1. Field Officers Tent 2. Guard House 3. Company Officers Tents 4. 13 relieving Guards 5. Company Tents TIFF 600dpi 16
16 Camp Cumberland November – December 1862 TIFF 600dpi 17
17 On Picket December 5, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 50
18 Fredericksburg TIFF 600dpi 42
19 Fredericksburg – Action at Marye’s Heights, Outside Fredericksburg December 13, 1863 – Kimball’s Brigade in the Battle of Fredericksburg December 13, 1862 Drawn on the Battlefield by J. G. Keyser1. Rebels Batteries 2. Stonewalls 3. Barn & Blacksmith Shops 4. Haystacks 5. Fine Rebel house on the Hill 6. Fine Brickhouse in the Hill 7. Hospital 8. Throwaway Blankets

9. Canals Wounded Soldiers 10. 24 Reg. N. J. Vol. 11. 28 Reg. N.J. Vol. 12. Skirmishes 13. Reinforcements 14. Street to Fredericksburg

TIFF 600dpi 43
20 Horses and Men December 14, 1862 (Back of #19) TIFF 600dpi 43
21 Fredericksburg Flag of Truce December 1862 – Rebel and Union Pickets TIFF 600dpi 51
22 Gen. Caroll’s Headquarters – Kimball’s Brigade Near Falmouth – Post Fredericksburg TIFF 600dpi 37 (2)
23 Camp Knight December 18, 1862 (Christmas Eve 62); Camp Knight December 18, 1862, “Camp Christmas Around Camp” TIFF 600dpi 20
24 Night Scene Picket December 21, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 6
25 Sunday Night Campfire Christmas Eve 62 December 24, 1862 TIFF 600dpi 5
26 Fredericksburg December 24, 1862 Review of Kimball’s, Originally French’s Div., Brigade after the Battle of Fredericksburg by Gen. Sumner and Hoff and Lieut. Col. Knight. Rescheduled by J. G. Keyser TIFF 600dpi 48
27 Camp Knight December/January/February 1862 & 1863 TIFF 600dpi 14
28 Slave Woman – J. Norton’s Tent – On Back: Camp Night January 1, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 13
29 Lt. Col. Frank Knight TIFF 600dpi 21
30 Fredericksburg and Falmouth January 23, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 46
31 Fredericksburg – On Picket February 25, 1863 TIFF 600dpi No #
32 Fredericksburg February 28, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 45
33 Gen. French March 9, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 40
34 On Picket March 13, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 52
35 Fredericksburg March 16, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 44
36 Cavalry Bringing Rebel Prisoners Captured yesterday leaving Camp Robertson March 18, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 29
37 Camp Robertson near Falmouth VA, 24 N.J.V. March 19, 1863 (4 weeks today) TIFF 600dpi 27
38 Encampment March 23, 1863 (Fredericksburg) TIFF 600dpi 49
39 Fredericksburg and Lacey House TIFF 600dpi 47
40 Camp Robertson TIFF 600dpi 28
41 Camp Robertson April 5, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 26
42 White Oak Church April 13, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 18
43 Camp Robertson April 15, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 30
44 Encampment Near US Ford on the Rappahannock April 28, 1863 TIFF 600dpi No #
45 Couch – US Ford Headquarters April 30, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 38
46 Gen Couch – Frank Carroll – French – Falmouth TIFF 600dpi 37
47 Rappahannock US Ford Before Battle May 1863 TIFF 600dpi 34
48 Camp life US Ford May 1, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 39
49 Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 31
50 Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 32
51 Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 33
52 Rebel Prisoners After Battle near US Ford May 4, 1863 (Back of #45) TIFF 600dpi 38
53 Potomac Creek Hospital, Army of the Potomac May 15, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 22
54 Bush and Woods Ridge at Potomac Creek May 16, 1863 (Back of #47) TIFF 600dpi 47
55 Potomac Creek Hospital May 20, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 25
56 24 Reg. N.J. Vol. Camp Stockton, Stafford County VA, May & June 10, 1863, Hospital, Col. Headquarters, Cooks, Grey backs TIFF 600dpi 41
57 French’s Headquarters Near Falmouth, VA June 10, 1863 TIFF 600dpi No #
58 Rappahannock Water Fall June 10, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 35
59 Rappahannock Water Fall June 12, 1863 TIFF 600dpi 36
60 On Picket TIFF 600dpi 53
61 Campfire TIFF 600dpi No #
62 Adjutant Copper with Listings under the sketch TIFF 600dpi No #
63 Listing of Company H, Bridgeton NJ & Company A Salem, NJ TIFF 600dpi No #

Sketch Book 1:

File #’s Description File Type Scanned Resolution
1 Cover of Sketch October/November/December 1862 TIFF 600dpi
2 Skyview of a Camp TIFF 600dpi
3 East Capitol Hill “Moonlight Scene” TIFF 600dpi
4 Encampment Near Chain Bridge TIFF 600dpi
5 Gen. Abercrombie Headquarters’ TIFF 600dpi
6 Picket of Co. H, 24 N.J.V. at Langley’s, Fairfax C in VA, – “Geo. Fox” TIFF 600dpi
7 Langley’s Fairfax C in VA TIFF 600dpi
8 Moonlight November 4th, 1862 – Election Night in Camp – “Show Election hill camp fire re – TIFF 600dpi
9 Soldier on Horse and Five Soldiers TIFF 600dpi
10 U. Pickets near Langley’s. Fairfax C’H, November 19, 1862 – Headquarters of Lieutenant James J. Reeves – Picket Station (Henry Deemer) – James Gillen (Camden) TIFF 600dpi
11 “Benny” TIFF 600dpi
12 Ben Gibon (Benjamin N. Gibson Private in Co. H, 24 N.J.V.) (Back of Sketch 12) TIFF 600dpi
13 Unfinished Sketch of a Sargent with a Cavalier in the background TIFF 600dpi
14 Jack Nieukirk (John B. Nieukirk in Co. H, 24 N.J.V.) (Back of Sketch 13) TIFF 600dpi

Sketch Book 2:

File #’s Description File Type Scanned Resolution
1 Front and Back of Sketchpad front cover – Sketch Book J. G. Keyser Co. H 24 N. J. V. Camp Robertson March 3, 1863 TIFF 600dpi
2 3 Reg. N. J. Vol. Encampment near White Oak Church, VA – Colonel Henry W. Brown – Gen. Alfred Thomas Archimedes Torbert’s Headquarters – 2 Reg N.J.V. – Major Hickey TIFF 600dpi
3 3 Reg. N. J. Vol. – Adjutant David Fairly – White Oak Church – Pines TIFF 600dpi
4 Man holding a flag with his hat in the other hand – Below that is a sketch of a man from his head to his shoulders – (Back of Sketch #3) TIFF 600dpi
5 White Oak Church –Monument TIFF 600dpi
6 Falmouth – “Looking up” March 5, 1863 – (Back of Sketch 5) TIFF 600dpi
7 Falmouth Looking North West 1862 TIFF 600dpi
8 Grand Review of the Army of Potomac under President Lincoln April 8, 1863 TIFF 600dpi
9 Encampment – Knight – Harker – Robertson – Cumberland TIFF 600dpi
10 Volunteer T.R. Brown TIFF 600dpi
11 Profile drawings of a Man and Woman’s head – and a tree and camp to the left (Back of Sketch #10) TIFF 600dpi
12 City – Falmouth TIFF 600dpi
13 Sketch of a Review of under Major Gen. Hooker – March 5, 1863 near Falmouth TIFF 600dpi
14 Major Gen. Hooker Reviewing the 2 Corps Army Potomac TIFF 600dpi
15 Brigade TIFF 600dpi
16 Review from Major Gen. Hooker (Back of Sketch 15) TIFF 600dpi
17 Brigade Review of Major General French March 27, 1863 TIFF 600dpi
18 24 Reg. N. J. Vol. – Camp Robertson near Falmouth VA March & April 1863 1. Knight Street 2. Robertson Street 3. Fithian Street 4. Cumberland Avenue 5. Hooker Avenue 6. Guard [moornting?] 7. French’s Headquarters 8. Potomac Corps Encampment TIFF 600dpi
19 Front and Back of Back Sketch Pad Cover TIFF 600dpi

Physical Content List

Box # File #’s Description/Title Original Item Location
1 1 Camp Cadwallader, Beverly NJ September 1862 & June 1863 1
1 2 Joe Mulford – Funeral October 1, 1862 2
1 3 Refreshment Saloon Philadelphia October 5, 1862 3
1 4 Baltimore December 3, 1862 7
1 5 Capitol Hill October 1862 4
3 6 Potomac Chain Bridge – Open 8
1 7 Potomac October 15, 1862 9
1 8 Fort Marcy (Painting) October 1862 23
1 9 Fort Marcy (Painting) October 1862 24
1 10 Soldiers – (Painting) 12
1 11 Ft. Marcy – Camp Kearney 10
1 12 Ft. Marcy Chain Bridge October 19, 1862 11
1 13 Ft. Marcy, Chain Bridge October 20, 1862 19
1 14 Camp Cumberland November 1862 15
1 15 Camp Cumberland November 23, 1862 16
1 16 Camp Cumberland November – December 1862 17
1 17 On Picket December 5, 1863 50
1 18 Fredericksburg 42
1 19 & 20 19. Fredericksburg – Action at Marye’s Heights, Outside Fredericksburg December 13, 1863

20. Horses and Men December 14, 1862 (Back of #19)

1 21 Fredericksburg Flag of Truce December 1862 51
1 22 Gen. Caroll’s Headquarters – Kimball’s Brigade Near Falmouth – Post Fredericksburg 37 (2)
3 23 Camp Knight December 18, 1862 (Christmas Eve 62) 20
1 24 Night Scene Picket December 21, 1862 6
1 25 Sunday Night Campfire Christmas Eve 62 December 24, 1862 5
1 26 Fredericksburg December 24, 1862 Review of Kimball’s Brigade after the Battle of Fredericksburg by Gen. Sumner and Hoff 48
1 27 Camp Knight December/January/February 1862 & 1863 14
1 28 Slave Woman – J. Norton’s Tent – On Back: Camp Night January 1, 1863 13
1 29 Lt. Col. Frank Knight 21
1 30 Fredericksburg and Falmouth January 23, 1863 46
1 31 Fredericksburg – On Picket February 25, 1863 No #
1 32 Fredericksburg February 28, 1863 45
1 33 Gen. French’s Headquarters near Falmouth, Relieving Pickets, March 9, 1863 40
3 34 On Picket March 13, 1863 52
1 35 Fredericksburg March 16, 1863 44
2 36 Camp Robertson March 18, 1863 29
2 37 Camp Robertson March 19, 1863 27
2 38 Encampment March 23, 1863 (Fredericksburg) 49
2 39 Fredericksburg and Lacey House 47
2 40 Camp Robertson 28
2 41 Camp Robertson April 5, 1863 26
3 42 White Oak Church April 13,1863 18
2 43 Camp Robertson April 15, 1863 30
2 44 Encampment Near US Ford on the Rappahannock April 28, 1863 No #
2 45 45. Couch – US Ford Headquarters April 30, 1863

52. Rebel Prisoners After Battle near US Ford May 4, 1863 (Back of #45)

2 46 Gen Couch – Frank Carroll – French – Falmouth 37
2 47 47. Rappahannock US Ford Before Battle May 1863

54. Bush and Woods Ridge at Potomac Creek May 16, 1863 (Back of #47)

2 48 Camp life US Ford May 1, 1863 39
2 49 Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 31
2 50 Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 32
2 51 Chancellorsville May 3, 1863 33
2 53 Potomac Creek Hospital May 15, 1863 22
2 55 Potomac Creek Hospital May 20, 1863 25
2 56 Camp Stockton June 10, 1863 41
2 57 French’s Headquarters Near Falmouth, VA June 10, 1863 No #
2 58 Rappahannock Water Fall June 10, 1863 35
2 59 Rappahannock Water Fall June 12, 1863 36
3 60 On Picket 53
2 61 Campfire No #
2 62 Adjutant Copper with Listings under the sketch No #
2 63 Listing of Company H, Bridgeton NJ & Company A Salem, NJ No #

Sketch Book 1:

Box # File #’s Description
4 1 Cover of Sketch October/November/December 1862
4 2 Skyview of a Camp
4 3 East Capitol Hill “Moonlight Rain”
4 4 Encampment Near Chain Bridge
4 5 Gen. Abercrombie Headquarters’
4 6 Picket of Co. H, 24 N.J.V. at Langley’s, Fairfax C in VA, – “Geo. Fox”
4 7 Langley’s Fairfax C in VA
4 8 Moonlight November 4th, 1862 – Election Night in Camp – “Show Election hill camp fire re –
4 9 Soldier on Horse and Five Soldiers
4 10 U. Pickets near Langley’s. Fairfax C’H, November 19, 1862 – Headquarters of Lieutenant James J. Reeves – Picket Station (Henry Deemer) – James Gillen (Camden)
4 11 “Benny”
4 12 Ben Gibon (Benjamin N. Gibson Private in Co. H, 24 N.J.V.) (Back of Sketch 12)
4 13 Unfinished Sketch of a Sargent with a Cavalier in the background
4 14 Jack Nieukirk (John B. Nieukirk in Co. H, 24 N.J.V.) (Back of Sketch 13)

Sketch Book 2:

Box # Sketch #’s Description
5 1 Front and Back of Sketchpad front cover – Sketch Book J. G. Keyser Co. H 24 N. J. V. Camp Robertson March 3, 1863
5 2 3 Reg. N. J. Vol. Encampment near White Oak Church, VA – Colonel Henry W. Brown – Gen. Alfred Thomas Archimedes Torbert’s Headquarters – 2 Reg N.J.V. – Major Hickey
5 3 3 Reg. N. J. Vol. – Adjutant David Fairly – White Oak Church – Pines
5 4 Man holding a flag with his hat in the other hand – Below that is a sketch of a man from his head to his shoulders – (Back of Sketch #3)
5 5 White Oak Church –Monument
5 6 Falmouth – “Looking up” March 5, 1863 – (Back of Sketch 5)
5 7 Falmouth Looking North West 1862
5 8 Grand Review of the Army of Potomac under President Lincoln April 8, 1863
5 9 Encampment – Knight – Harker – Robertson – Cumberland
5 10 Volunteer T.R. Brown
5 11 Profile drawings of a Man and Woman’s head – and a tree and camp to the left (Back of Sketch #10)
5 12 City – Falmouth
5 13 Sketch of a Review of under Major Gen. Hooker – March 5, 1863 near Falmouth
5 14 Major Gen. Hooker Reviewing the 2 Corps Army Potomac
5 15 Brigade
5 16 Review from Major Gen. Hooker (Back of Sketch 15)
5 17 Brigade Review of Major General French March 27, 1863
5 18 24 Reg. N. J. Vol. – Camp Robertson near Falmouth VA March & April 1863 1. Knight Street 2. Robertson Street 3. Fithian Street 4. Cumberland Avenue 5. Hooker Avenue 6. Guard [moornting?] 7. French’s Headquarters 8. Potomac Corps Encampment
5 19 Front and Back of Back Sketch Pad Cover

Miscellaneous Papers/Items

Box # Description
6 Example of John G. Keyser Compilation Book
Box # Envelope #
6 1 1 Button
6 2 2 Musket Balls
6 3 1 Minie Ball
Box # Folder #  
6 1 Letter Regarding button and three bullets
6 2 Keyser Sketch Book Loan
6 3 16 Miscellaneous photocopies of Keyser Sketches and other related images
6 4 11 Photographs of Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park – Photo of White Oak Church Sign – 2 postcards of Fredericksburg 7 negatives of the sketches photographed
6 5 38 Pages Correspondence/ Advertising
6 6 39 Pages Correspondence/ Advertising
6 7 Draw up of the accumulated Keyser Sketchpad
6 8 3 Photocopied NJ Militia Muster Roll Union Guard Co. 1st Reg. Cumberland
6 9 38 Photocopied Newspaper Articles
6 10 7 Photographs of Sketches; 12 Exhibit Papers; 6 Correspondence
6 11 2 pages sketches inventory (original); 2 Correspondence; 19 Book & Newspapers Photocopies; 1 page write up on the Keyser Sketches
6 12 4 Modern Newspapers discussing the Civil War
6 13 34 Miscellaneous Photocopies of the Keyser sketches
6 14 14 Photocopies from books Regarding Keyser and the Civil War
6 15 68 Pieces of signage for an Exhibit